The Independent Communications Authority of South Africa, has indicated through a memorandum, its intention to initiate the second phase of the IMT spectrum licencing process.
The Authority also wants to make radio frequency spectrum available to prospective licensees to provide mobile broadband wireless access services in the low and mid radio frequency bands.
ICASA is soliciting views from interested stakeholders regarding the IMT radio frequency spectrum bands to be considered by the Authority during the second phase of the IMT licencing process.
The regulator is of the view that the second phase of the IMT Spectrum licencing process will provide additional capacity to licencees in order to meet the continuous demand for capacity growth in mobile services.
The deadline for submission of written representations to the Authority is 16h00 on Monday, 19 September 2022.
ICASA believes this process will contribute towards achieving the capabilities and requirements of IMT-2020 systems and beyond for the deployment of Fifth Generation (5G) Networks in order to achieve the South Africa Connect targets.
The main aim of licensing the low and mid frequency bands within the designated frequency ranges is to increase nationwide broadband access for all citizens by 2025, said the Authority.
ICASA Councillor Peter Zimri said, “The current information memorandum is primarily focused to proceed with the licensing of the unsold “Lot 9” in the 800 MHz radio frequency band, resultant from the inaugural auction, and those mid band IMT radio frequency channels that are currently and immediately available.”