
Global: Qatar and EU Officials Forge Cybersecurity Cooperation

Qatar EU officials discuss cooperation in cybersecurity 1
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In a significant development, H.E. Eng. Abdul Rahman bin Ali Al Farahid Al Maliki, the President of Qatar’s National Cyber Security Agency, convened a high-level delegation led by H.E. Luigi Di Maio, the European Union Special Representative (EUSR) for the Gulf region. This crucial meeting held in Doha, Qatar, served as a platform to explore avenues of collaboration between Qatar and the European Union (EU) within the realm of cybersecurity.

The discussions encompassed an array of topics of mutual interest, all geared towards fostering and fortifying cooperation between Qatar and the EU, particularly in the dynamic domain of cybersecurity.

President Al Maliki, in his capacity as the head of the National Cyber Security Agency, elucidated the agency’s steadfast policies and initiatives aimed at safeguarding and fortifying Qatar’s cybersecurity landscape. He underscored the critical significance of these measures, especially in light of the overarching global challenges encountered by the State of Qatar in the realm of cybersecurity.

This meeting stands as a testament to the commitment of both Qatar and the EU to address cybersecurity challenges collaboratively. It sets the stage for a strategic partnership that can leverage shared expertise and resources to ensure the cyber resilience and security of Qatar and the broader Gulf region.

The exchange of insights and perspectives during this meeting lays a strong foundation for future endeavors in the cybersecurity arena, aligning Qatar and the EU in their pursuit of robust cybersecurity solutions and strategies to counter evolving cyber threats.

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