
Global: EU Advances Digital Identity Wallet Testing

EU Advances Digital Identity Wallet Testing
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The European Union (EU) is progressing towards the implementation of its digital identity wallet.

According to a recent announcement by the European Commission (EC) on its website, the digital identity wallet “will be a secure and convenient way for European citizens, residents, and businesses to verify their identities when accessing digital services.” The wallet will also allow users to “safely obtain, store, and share important digital documents and electronically sign or seal documents.”

These digital wallets will simplify processes such as opening bank accounts, enrolling in overseas educational institutions, or applying for jobs, ensuring secure document provision.

This initiative follows the introduction of Europe’s Digital Identity Regulation, effective since May 2024. This regulation aims to “enable the digital transformation of the public sector, facilitating broader access to digital services, including cross-border services.”

In preparation for the wallet’s rollout, the EC has been conducting pilot programs, expected to conclude next year. These pilots are exploring various applications for the digital wallets, including payments, where the wallets will provide a unified method for users to identify themselves across multiple bank accounts and authorize transactions.

The EC’s initiative coincides with the evolving landscape of biometrics and digital identity, which is increasingly influencing payment methods. As highlighted earlier this month, “the security features driving the adoption of digital wallets are shaping the future of both commerce and authentication.”

The approaching compliance deadline for the EU’s eIDAS 2.0 (electronic identification, authentication, and trust services) regulation in 2026 underscores the importance of integrating digital ID and biometrics to enhance security, user experience, and fraud prevention in the payments industry.

Erika Dietrich, Vice President of Global Fraud Prevention Risk Services at ACI Worldwide, remarked in September, “With the world that we live in, digital identities are becoming more prevalent than physical driver’s licenses or passports.”

Marc Hopkins, Vice President at E-Complish, stated in a recent interview, “While biometric authentication exists for other aspects of our lives, it is not yet widespread for payments — but it is the future for the payments industry.”

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