
African Mbira Chat messaging app launched

African Mbira Chat messaging app launched
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Think Tech Team, the creators of ridesharing app, Afri Ride, has announced the launch of Mbira Chat, a new multi-purpose messaging app service which will soon be available on the Google Play Store, and the Apple App Store.

Mbira Chat messaging app is named after the Mbira family of musical instruments which are traditional to the Shona people of Zimbabwe, and also known as the ‘baby piano’.

The platform is a communication tool that can be used as a social media platform to communicate with friends and family through text, video and voice calls.

Think Tech Team Group CEO, Joe Moyo, says Mbira Chat is just one more service the organization is pleased to offer. “Although we started as Afri Ride, we have developed into a tech company, and are busy with a range of businesses, by Africans, in Africa, for Africans.”

“Mbira has been a part of Afri Ride and has facilitated communication on the ride sharing service for the longest time. Our intention was to grow it out and make it an independent app, and that day has finally arrived,” added Moyo.

In terms of Mbira Chat’s features, Moyo says security and privacy come first. “We have included all the features of any premier chat app and employs end-to-end encryption. However, unlike other apps on the market, we do not collect anybody’s information, except for what is needed for account management. There are no cookies, and no ‘booby traps’ on our platform.”

Making sure Mbira Chat app is up to international standards is of paramount importance, and ultimately, Mbira is a lifestyle for people to showcase their unique experience, explained Moyo.

The app features a section titled Lifestyle to encourage users to share their creativity with others by way of posting multiple visuals with all their contacts or just their selected circle of people.

Soon, according to Moyo, users will have the ability to make payments on the app. “Within the first half of this year, not only will users of the app be able to send money to each other, in-app prepaid purchases will be enabled as well.”

The Think Tech Team currently has four distinct divisions namely Mobile and Social Network division, which handles communications, and operates as a chat platform with additional value added services, the Transport division, which is essentially Afri Ride, a ride sharing division which is made up of services for both car-sharing and on-demand ride hailing, the e-Commerce division which caters for food and grocery delivery services and finally, the Fintech Division, which is made up of Augmented Wallet and International Money Remittance.

The Think Tech Team is an emerging African technology company that offers tech solutions to a slew of industries and markets across the continent.

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