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Nigeria: Forex Rates Impede Access to Essential Equipment by Nigerian Radiologists

The Association of Radiologists in Nigeria (ARIN) has raised a poignant issue, citing the formidable hurdle posed by the exorbitant cost of acquiring vital medical equipment, primarily due to unfavorable forex rates.

During a dinner and award ceremony concluding the 6th Annual General Meeting (AGM) and 60th AGM of the Association of Radiologists in West Africa (ARAWA) in Abuja, Professor Olalekan Oyinloye, the newly-elected National President of ARIN and Consultant Radiologist at the University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital (UITH), voiced these concerns.

Key Points Raised by Professor Oyinloye a Consultant Radiologist:

  1. Currency Exchange Challenges: Professor Oyinloye highlighted the significant challenge posed by the exchange rate, leading to increased difficulty in procuring critical medical equipment, notably the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machine. Priced at $6 million, this crucial equipment remains financially inaccessible for the association.
  2. Continuous Power Supply: The President emphasized the indispensable need for uninterrupted power supply, especially for equipment like the MRI machine, which requires 24-hour functionality for optimal performance. The impracticality of power outages in Nigeria was underscored, stressing its impact on the effective operation of these vital machines.
  3. “Japa Syndrome” and Brain Drain: Professor Oyinloye addressed the alarming trend of medical professionals leaving the country, known as the “Japa syndrome.” He expressed concern about well-trained radiologists emigrating, posing a significant challenge to the medical profession in Nigeria. Urgent government intervention was called for, focusing on providing advanced medical equipment, enhancing remuneration, and offering regular training opportunities.

Dr. Agaja James, the newly elected Vice President 1 and Chairman of the Local Organising Committee (LOC) of the AGM, echoed these sentiments. He expressed worries about the inadequacy of equipment in the health sector and the growing emigration of medical professionals.

Government Action Urged by Nigerian Radiologist:

Both Professor Oyinloye and Dr. James called on the government to take decisive actions, creating an enabling environment, ensuring the availability of essential medical equipment, and providing competitive remuneration. The appeal focused on fostering patriotism and commitment among medical professionals trained in Nigeria, addressing the challenges faced by the healthcare sector in the country.

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