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Ghana: Italian Organizations donate medical equipment to Ghana

The Italian Foundation Francesca Rava in collaboration with the Foundation IRCCS Ca Grande Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico of Italy have donated medical equipment to Ghana.

The items donated include, six electronic intensive care beds, laboratory stirrers, mechanical analytical scale, refrigerated centrifuge, multiparametric monitors, blood sampling chair, syringe pumps, pulse oximeter, printers and keyboard.

Ms Daniela D’Orlandi, the Ambassador of Italy, at a brief ceremony on board of Nave Rizzo to officially hand over the equipment, said Ghana was chosen as the beneficiary of the donation due to the longstanding tradition of friendship and collaboration with Italy.

The Ambassador recounted the various support the Italian people had rendered to Ghana particularly the health sector, which had been heavily put to test by the COVID-19 pandemic and also cited the investments of several Italian companies in Ghana.

“I seize the occasion to commend Ghana for the excellent management of the health crisis and I recall that Italy is a staunch supporter of a universal and equal access to vaccines through the COVAX initiative and a bilateral level with countries in need,” she stated.

She said the donation was yet another example of Italian Solidarity, adding that this could support Ghana’s hospital modernisation agenda.

Ms D’Orlandi also expressed gratitude to the Commander and the entire crew of Nave Rizzo for making the humanitarian initiative possible.

Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu, Minister of Health, receiving the items, expressed appreciation to the Italian Foundation for the gesture, saying the equipment would help the country greatly to deepen intensive care service delivery.

The Minister also assured that the equipment would be sent to facilities that needed them most to enhance health service delivery.

They further discussed some health-related projects and initiatives being carried out in Ghana with assistance from Italians.

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