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Nigeria: Experts Praise Nigeria’s Pioneering Use of HIFU Technology for Fibroid Treatment

Medical professionals have hailed the introduction of High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) technology for treating fibroids in Nigeria as a groundbreaking achievement.

Implemented by Nordica Fertility Centre, which spearheaded the use of this technology in Nigeria and the West African sub-region, the HIFU procedure has revolutionized healthcare delivery and positioned Nigeria as a leading destination for quality medical services.

Innovative Treatment

HIFU technology offers women a non-invasive and pain-free solution for managing fibroids, a common gynecological condition marked by severe pain, heavy bleeding, and infertility.

Following its successful deployment in Lagos in 2021, Nordica Fertility Centre announced plans to introduce the technology in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory, as revealed during the Fibroid Forum in Abuja organized by Nordica Fibroid Care Centre.

Expert Insights

Dr. Abayomi Ajayi, Managing Director and CEO of Nordica Fertility Centre, emphasized the necessity of HIFU technology in Nigeria. He highlighted its advantages over traditional fibroid removal procedures, noting the reduced risks and the significant impact on medical tourism.

“The deployment of HIFU technology has minimized the need for overseas medical trips for fibroid treatment, creating a new medical tourism market in Nigeria and boosting the country’s economy,” Dr. Ajayi stated.

Since its introduction in China in 2020 and in Lagos in July 2021, HIFU technology has gained global popularity for managing fibroids and other conditions. Dr. Ajayi explained that HIFU can treat fibroids of any size non-invasively, focusing on symptom relief without the need for surgery.

“HIFU targets and destroys fibroid tissue without removing it, reducing the risk of complications,” he added.

Addressing Misconceptions

Dr. Ajayi also addressed common misconceptions about fibroid removal, stressing that the primary goal should be symptom relief rather than infertility treatment. “Assuming fibroid removal will automatically restore fertility is misleading,” he noted.

Medical Community Support

Medical expert Evans Onyeakele, former Registrar of the FCT chapter of the Private Health Establishment Registration and Monitoring Committee and retired Director of Medical and Diagnostics, highlighted the need to embrace HIFU technology.

“This technology is exceptional. It eliminates the need for open surgery, which involves significant blood loss. Anyone with fibroid issues should consider this non-invasive option,” Onyeakele said.

He further emphasized the life-threatening nature of untreated fibroids, recounting a recent case where a friend’s wife died due to fibroid complications. “Fibroids are common and should not be dismissed lightly. HIFU offers a solution without the need for blood transfusions associated with traditional surgeries,” he added.

Patient Testimonials

Patients who have undergone the HIFU procedure shared their positive experiences, noting the absence of pain and quick recovery. They expressed astonishment at being able to return to work shortly after the procedure, with no scarring or marks on their bodies.

Success Rates

Dr. Ajayi pointed out that the global success rate of HIFU technology exceeds 90%, with Nordica achieving a remarkable 100% success rate in treating 475 patients. This success underscores the technology’s efficacy and reliability in fibroid treatment.

The introduction of HIFU technology in Abuja and the West African region represents a significant advancement in Nigeria’s healthcare system. Experts and patients alike recommend this minimally invasive procedure, which promises to transform fibroid care and enhance the country’s reputation as a hub for medical excellence.

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