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Global: Landmark Funding Initiative Launched by BMGF, European Commission- 1.1 Billion Euros to Eradicate Polio Globally


In a momentous collaboration, the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation have unveiled an extraordinary financial partnership aimed at tackling global health imperatives, particularly the eradication of polio and the enhancement of healthcare innovations’ accessibility to those in greatest need.

The World Health Organization and UNICEF, acting as implementers of the polio funding initiative, will employ these resources to eliminate polio, facilitate the distribution of childhood immunizations, and reinforce healthcare systems to respond more effectively to emerging health challenges.

This ambitious 1.1 billion euros financing package aspires to provide fresh funding to eradicate a human disease, marking only the second instance in history. It also addresses the development and health-related struggles faced by the world’s most vulnerable populations, who often lack equitable access to healthcare and innovations.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, asserted, “We are on the cusp of eliminating polio from the face of the Earth. The European Commission, the EIB, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are joining forces to complete this final leg of the journey.”

With one billion euros supported by the European Investment Strategy Global Gateway, the funding will contribute to bolstering global healthcare systems and establishing local vaccine and medication production, manufacturing, and administration in areas where the need is most pressing. Von der Leyen further stressed the importance of global cooperation in conquering challenges like polio and, earlier, the COVID-19 pandemic.

This groundbreaking partnership signifies a substantial boost in funding for global health and human development within the European Commission’s European Fund for Sustainable Development plus (EFSD+). It is expected to feature matching complementary funding for global health from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, thus optimizing the impact of each Euro pledged by the EU and the European Investment Bank.

Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank, emphasized the institution’s vital role in this unique collaboration. It commits EUR 500 million to support the Global Polio Eradication Programme, facilitating expanded immunization efforts and reinforcing healthcare to protect every child, regardless of their circumstances.

To expedite the global eradication of wild poliovirus, the partnership intends to allocate 500 million euros to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, with a primary focus on the World Health Organization and UNICEF.

This funding will provide essential polio vaccinations to nearly 370 million children annually, delivering vital health services in conjunction with polio campaigns. These services include measles vaccinations and routine immunizations. Additionally, the investment aims to enhance healthcare systems, fortifying their preparedness to address emerging health crises, just as the polio program did during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ebola outbreak, and other diseases.

Today, wild poliovirus is endemic in only two countries, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and 80% of variant poliovirus cases are concentrated in just four subnational regions.

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, expressed unwavering commitment to eliminating this debilitating disease and making healthcare innovations more accessible, especially in the world’s most impoverished regions.

The initiative also allocates 500 million euros to enhance the innovation capacity of healthcare systems in low- and middle-income countries. This includes funding for initiatives aimed at ensuring equitable access to innovative health solutions such as mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. Europe’s investment plan for the world, Global Gateway, is actively advancing this goal, with further discussions on global health investments scheduled at the upcoming Global Gateway Forum (25-26 October).

Melinda French Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, emphasized the vital role of the partnership in ensuring that vaccines, medicines, and other life-saving innovations reach those who need them most. A healthier community, she noted, leads to economic growth.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General, recognized the significance of reaching under-vaccinated children, particularly in the most remote and hard-to-access areas, to fulfill the goal of polio eradication. These funds will not only advance progress toward a polio-free world but also enhance healthcare systems’ resilience to protect vulnerable communities against various health threats.

Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director, underscored the importance of this new funding in ensuring comprehensive vaccination programs and bolstering community-based health systems.

In summary, this pioneering funding partnership between the European Commission, the European Investment Bank, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation aims to wipe out polio globally and make vital healthcare innovations more accessible. The collaboration represents a substantial boost in global health funding, emphasizing the mission to eradicate polio and promote equitable access to healthcare innovations, ultimately fostering healthier communities and global progress.

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